high-quality education is the mandate of the laws and to make it, we also use
strategies that have high quality. Factor of teacher or head master is crucial
in delivering a quality school and also to create student who qualified. Smart
students are not only influenced by their skill but also supported by the
facilities provided from their schools.The National Education Law No. 20 of
2003 Part III Section 45 of the educational facilities, it is stated that:
1) Each unit of formal
and non-formal education to provide facilities that meet the educational needs
in accordance with the growth and development of physical, social intellectual,
emotional, and mental health of students.
2) Provisions regarding
provider of educational facilities at all education units shall be further
stipulated by government regulation. From the two rules in above is intended to
provide facilities in every school so that students can use it as supporting their learning.
Schools should provide
facilities and infrastructure in accordance to improve their skill, develop
themselves that suitable with their talents and abilities as a whole person.
With this facility, complete learning will grow a sense of pride and sense of
belonging. Maintenance of facilities in schools is the responsibility of all
users. It is intended that learning facilities can be utilized appropriate with
its function and can survive long periods of time. Provisions of learning
facilities are very important for students and the school curriculum.
I believe the students that have high quality not only
because intelligent of student, but also be affected by their school.
Especially facility provided from their school. The schools provide complete
facilities will influence with quality of learning student.